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    This is INDONESIA. Something that makes you admire about Indonesia, because there are many reasons why Indonesia is so special. We have everything....

  •  photo batik300x600KebayaIndonesia_zpsc0edb425.jpg

    Batik Indonesia

    Modern kebaya and batik today's increasingly well known in the international world, alloy kebaya and batik shirt is one culture that is very familiar in the international world. One of the pioneers of successful flying in the international batik is Anne Avantie. A fashion designer, who has a collection of batik kebaya is not just used by celebrities Indonesia, but also the clothes of the Miss Universe has ever come to Indonesia.

  •  photo wisataindonesia300x600_zps379bdff8.jpg

    Tourism Indonesia

    Indonesia has many tourist destinations, diverse cultures with different characteristics. So do not be surprised if the travelers will easily fall in love during a visit to a place and want to come back again.

  •  photo BundaranHI300x600BundaranHI_zpsd3b25da4.jpg

    Indonesia's Economic Growth

    Indonesia is growing, which is marked with the number of high buildings, increasing public facilities, education, health and employment systems reform

  •  photo tariind300x600_zpsfab6580d.jpg

    Variety Of Traditional Dances Art Indonesia

    Various regions in Indonesia have a dance typical of each region. Distinctness include dance movements, design and color of clothes and accessories that complement the overall appearance of the dancers. Undoubtedly, this is an invaluable wealth

  •  photo kekayaanindonesia300x600_zps5e44487d.jpg

    Indonesia's Natural Wealth

    Indonesia has many natural advantages and all its beauty should be handled by people who are professionals in order to be a useful resource, and made a public appeal for overseas travel and value for profit should be managed for the welfare of the children of this country.

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    This is INDONESIA. Something that makes you admire about Indonesia, because there are many reasons why Indonesia is so special. We have everything...
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    Batik Indonesia

    Modern kebaya and batik today's increasingly well known in the international world, alloy kebaya and batik shirt is one culture that is very familiar in the international world. One of the pioneers of successful flying in the international batik is Anne Avantie. A fashion designer, who has a collection of batik kebaya is not just used by celebrities Indonesia, but also the clothes of the Miss Universe has ever come to Indonesia
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    Tourism Indonesia

    Indonesia has many tourist destinations, diverse cultures with different characteristics. So do not be surprised if the travelers will easily fall in love during a visit to a place and want to come back again.
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    Indonesia's Economic Growth

    Indonesia is growing, which is marked with the number of high buildings, increasing public facilities, education, health and employment systems reform
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    Variety Of Traditional Dances Art Indonesia

    Various regions in Indonesia have a dance typical of each region. Distinctness include dance movements, design and color of clothes and accessories that complement the overall appearance of the dancers. Undoubtedly, this is an invaluable wealth
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    Indonesia's Natural Wealth

    Indonesia has many natural advantages and all its beauty should be handled by people who are professionals in order to be a useful resource, and made a public appeal for overseas travel and value for profit should be managed for the welfare of the children of this country.

A Travelers Best Friend

Bareskrim: Sindikat Hacker Internasional Incar Online Banking Indonesia

Diposting oleh Indonesia On The Move di 16.20.00
Jakarta - Transaksi perbankan via internet alias online transaction termasuk cara bertransaksi yang sangat praktis karena dapat digunakan kapan saja dan di mana saja.

Namun seiring berkembangnya waktu ternyata transaksi online banking menjadi ladang yang menyegarkan bagi penjahat cyber crime yang mengambil keuntungan dengan tumbuh dan berkembangnya sistem ini termasuk di Indonesia.

"Di Indonesia sendiri banyak sekali penyimpang, baik itu karena perbankan yang menggunakan internet seperti internet banking, SMS banking dan juga credit card dan debit card yang rawan terhadap tindak kriminal," kata Kombespol Djoko Purbo, Kasubid Perbankan dan Direktorat Tindak Pidana Ekonomi dan Khusus, Bareskrim Polri saat ditemui wartawan di Bank Indonesia, Jalan MH Thamrin, Kamis (05/07/12).

"Seperti kasus credit card dan debit card yang datanya dicuri dan dibuat duplikat kartunya yang mengunakan bukan pemiliknya tetapi orang lain," imbuh Djoko

Djoko mengungkapkan kasus tersebut sudah masuk dalam force border yaitu antarnegara dan melibatkan sindikat hacker internasional.

Selain kasus di atas, ada modus lain yaitu online trading fiktif yaitu mencantumkan barang jualannya dan ketika orang tertarik untuk membeli kemudian mentransfer uang ke nomor rekening penjual barangnya tidak terkirim.

SMS palsu untuk mentransfer beberapa uang merupakan modus selanjutnya walaupun dalam penanganan kasus ini tidak terlalu banyak kerugiaannya namun ini merupakan modus yang harus wajib untuk diketauhi dan dipelajari.

"Dari tahun ke tahun modus ini semakin meningkat dari segi average maupun kualitas, saya rasa para hacker-hacker dari masing-masing negara saling bekerja sama," ungkap Djoko.

( dnl / rou )

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